Software Factory Model

The service covers different technologies, architectures and development modalities or types of projects. The goal is to assemble one or more exclusive teams work to meet the needs of internal or external development

The term of the service contract and the size and composition of the equipment is agreed according to your particular needs.

Turnkey projects

Scrum projects

Outsourcing: Development Factory

Reengineering and modernization

Architecture, Integration and Management

Service roles

Service Leader

He is responsible for business relationships, provision of human resources and general coordination of the ITSouth work team.

Responsible for the coordination of the project with the client and for the project itself by ITSouth.


He is responsible for the design of the solution. This includes the evaluation of the key technical decisions of the overall design of the solution.


Responsible for generating the code, according to the detailed requirements

Functional Analyst/Tester

He is responsible for providing functional support to developers, performing functional testing and user documentation

Infrastructure specialist -optional-

Technical specialist in the infrastructure to be implemented, it can be UX, Service Bus, DBA, BI, etc.

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